Monday, March 1, 2004
Hello, I'm Jason Dunn
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 08:00 AM
I've been a geek since age ten when I was given my first computer: a Laser 128 Apple IIe clone. From then on, I've had a love/hate relationship with technology - mostly love, but every so often something will go really wrong and I wonder if I should have been a dirt farmer. I'm a geek in the truest sense of the word: I love trying/buying new software and hardware, and I'm almost always in state of re-building the software on one computer or another. Digital media has always held a fascination for me - I remembering digitizing my first clip of video off a VHS tape back in 1996 or so, and being in awe that I now had an "everlasting" digital version. And I remember putting that video clip on my Web site and watching the bandwidth skyrocket - quite a learning experience! I enjoy taking photos and video, and creating ways of remembering those events (video, slideshows, DVDs, etc.). I have an archival streak - I feel it's incredibly important to preserve important memories, and with digital media formats, that's possible in some very interesting ways.
Check out the rest of my bio on the about page, and feel free to ask questions. :wink: