Monday, March 1, 2004
LaCie's 1 Terabyte "Bigger Disk"
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 01:15 PM

"The LaCie Bigger Disk, with the largest hard drive capacity available, is a unique innovation that packs an amazing 1 terabyte of storage space in a manageable 5.25" form factor. With this unsurpassed storage capacity, the LaCie Bigger Disk allows users to store nearly two years of continuous music and up to one month of non-stop MPEG-2 video1. Truly plug and play, this device requires no driver or software installation for Windows XP and Mac OS X users."
Sweet Lord! 8O I've got nearly a terabyte of storage in my home computing environment, but that's spread over five computers and several external hard drives. 1000 GB in a SINGLE external device? Wow...that's mind-boggling. I'd actually be a little worried about keeping so much data in once place - what happens if the drives fail? You'd need a second 1 TB drive just to back the first one up. ;-) And at price tag of $1199 USD, it's not for the timid, but then again, only the bold need 1 TB of storage. :D