"There’s an intriguing notion floating around intellectual circles these days, asserting that there are too many choices in our society. Think of all the decisions you must make every day, and you’ll quickly see why some people are reaching a state of cognitive overload. That’s getting more evident here at Digital Media Net, where the most frequent question we get here at Digital Video Editing is, “What kind of nonlinear editing system should I buy?” Well, there are a lot of choices, and the best one for you won’t be the best one for me. Let’s look at the issue of the “too many choices” that we constantly face both in and out of the edit suite, and figure out some ways to avoid the dreaded 'paralysis by analysis.' "
I really like reading Charlie White's articles, because when you get right down to it, I'm still a learning a lot in the digital video world, and I find I benefit from Charlie's straight-forward approach to video. This article is a good resource for someone who's trying to make a decision about what sort of video editing system to go with - worth a read.