Thursday, March 4, 2004
Mobile Multimedia Editing with Laptstation
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 10:30 AM

If you're doing photo/video/audio editing, getting your laptop into the right position for editing can be cumbersome. These lapstation devices look like a good solution. Anyone own one? Here are the features of the B2 (pictured above) that sells for $99.95 USD:
• Translucent High-impact Polycarbonate Structure
• Ultra Soft Gel Filled Pads
• Premium Quality Dual Suspended Mesh Pouches
They also offer the a less expensive version, the B1 ($69.95), and a pricier B3 ($139.95). I use my laptop quite a bit while watching TV or a movie with my wife, and although I have it on a Laptop Desk, within an hour I'm sweating from the heat my laptop is putting out. This looks like a good solution for getting it up and away from my legs, thus dropping my temperature. Or perhaps I need a new water cooling system... :lol: