Thursday, March 4, 2004
DCRP Reviews Canon's PowerShot Pro1
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 02:30 PM

"The PowerShot Pro1 ($999) is the new flagship camera in Canon's consumer line of digital cameras. Packing a whopping 8 Megapixel CCD, a 7X "L" lens, full manual controls, beautiful LCD and electronic viewfinders, and more, the Pro1 is one of the most impressive fixed-lens cameras out there. The 8 Megapixel field has grown considerably since the introduction of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-F828 (read our review). That camera was plagued with purple fringing and noise, due in part to the tightly-packed pixels on the 8 Megapixel sensor. Was Canon able to get rid of the junk in their 8 Megapixel images? Find out now, in our review!"
Jeff Keller over at DCRP has one of the first PowerShot Pro1 reviews I've seen - in fact, Jeff seems to have a talent for getting "first" reviews published. The positioning of this camera is interesting - you can get the EOS 300D body + lens for less, and it has a removable lens. I suppose this is targeting a different market though - the prosumer who wants a great camera, but doesn't want to go DSLR. Thoughts?