Thursday, March 11, 2004
The Best Little Light Ever: RoadWired Sapphire Elite Micro-Light
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 09:30 PM

RoadWired has some of the best "geek gear" out there, specializing in bags, pouches, and useful gear for people who love gadgets of all types. I've reviewed several of their products in the past, but their Micro-Lights have always been one of my favourites. It's easy to see why!
Hey Buddy, Got a Light?
The RoadWired Sapphire Elite Micro-Light (hereafter referred to as the Micro-Light) does one thing, and it does it remarkably well: it provides light. I can't tell you how many situations I've found myself in where I thought "You know, if only I had a bit of light". I've used my Pocket PC as a flashlight in a pinch, but without any way of focusing or directing the light, it's not an ideal tool.

Figure 1: The Micro-Light has a piercing blue beam
The Micro-Light is bright. No, wait, let me rephrase that - the Micro-Light is painfully bright. So bright that it could be used to drive away attackers if you were out jogging! :wink: That said, the range is limited - this is, after all, a close-range lighting device, not a long-range spotlight. The light itself is a blue sapphire LED that can easily be seen from far away - and the light it casts for the wielder is unlike a normal flashlight. The light is blue, and has a wide angle - it's good for seeing what's in front of you or underfoot. And although it may look like a laser pointer, it's not - the light is more like a strong glow than a focused beam. They've created a perfect implementation.
Multiple Modes
What makes this "elite" version different than the previous ones I've used is the support that has been added for three different modes:
- Constant mode: the default mode. This turns the light on, and it keeps it on.
- Alert mode: By holding down the on button for five seconds, this mode puts the light into a repeating flash, perfect for getting attention in an emergency or while night jogging.
- S.O.S. mode: By pressing the button three times rapidly, the Micro-Light will go a mode where it flashes S.O.S. in Morse code!
I've never had one of these long enough to use up the power, but according to the RoadWired specs, the included coin-sized battery is good for 30 hours of power and a ten-year shelf life. Not bad! Additional power packs are available from RoadWired for $4.99 US each.

Figure 2: The Micro-Light is available in four body colours: black, red, grey, and blue.
Physically, the Micro-Light is a mere 2.75 inches long, 1 inch wide, and 0.25 inches deep. It weighs in at 0.4 ounces - so light you won't even notice it (and that's part of my problem - see below). The body of the unit is made from a molded chassis with aluminum body panels. I've used these Micro-Lights heavily and haven't had them break on me - if one does happen to fall apart under normal use, the factory will replace it.
Other physical features include a spring clip that makes it easy to attach the Micro-Light to a bag, zipper, key chain - or almost anything else.
The only problem with the Micro-Light is the user: me. I find these lights so useful to have that I put them in that little change pocket most jeans have - you know, the one you never use? Now here's the embarrassing part: I've gone through three of these lights in the past year because I consistently forget to take them out of my jeans before washing them, and (you guessed it) the Micro-Light isn't water resistant. I'm sure you could splash some water on one and it would keep working, but a washing machine? No way. The "problem" isn't really a problem per se - the Micro-Light is so light and small you'll forget you even have it on you, and that might result in a triple-play accident like I've had. It would be great to have a water-proof version, but I can't blame the product for my own forgetfulness!
Where To Buy
The RoadWired Sapphire Elite Micro-Light can be purchased for $17.95 directly from RoadWired (affiliate).
The Micro-Light is one of the best all-around gadgets I've ever owned - all three of them. :oops: My night vision has never been very good, so I've found countless uses for a small light that I can always carry with me. It also makes a great gift (who couldn't use a small, carry-anywhere light?) and if you're a corporate-type looking for a useful gift for your clients, RoadWired has an option for custom laser-engraving in quantities of five dozen or more. Hey, I wonder if they could fit "Pocket PC Thoughts" on there...