Friday, March 12, 2004
DCVIEWS Looks at the Olympus C-5060 Digital Camera
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 11:00 AM

"Looking back into digital history, Olympus have always been a dominant force in the digital camera market and over the years they have released quite a number of products that range from basic entry level models to their very advanced and professional all digital SLR, the E-1. As a successor to their well received C5050 of some time ago, Olympus have now released the Camedia C-5060 Wide Zoom. A 5.1-megapixel camera that features a 4x wide-angle zoom equivalent to 27 to 110mm in 35mm terms. It features a swivelling LCD and an external hot shoe for mounting an extra flashlight. For extra versatility, Compact Flash cards or xD-Picture cards can be used simultaneously..."
I've always been interested in Olympus cameras, but never took the plunge because they focused on Smartmedia, but with this model they were smart enough to support CF as well. Looks like a strong contender!