Friday, March 19, 2004
Kodak DSC Pro SLR Body Boasts 14 MP Sensor and Canon Lens Mount
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 03:00 PM

"Kodak today announced the all new DSC Pro SLR/c, a Canon mount version of the SLR/n which utilizes a new body made by Sigma (this isn't stated but is obvious). This announcement now brings Kodak back full circle to the 'good old' Kodak DCS days when they would have both a Nikon and Canon mount of each camera. Other than the obvious differences between a Nikon and Canon body there are also a few other subtle differences, the SLR/c is slightly smaller, has a 1/180 sec flash sync speed, a new AF system and a smaller LCD monitor. The SLR/c becomes the highest resolution Canon mount digital SLR, and a full 35 mm sensor to boot!"
Interesting - if you have an investment in Canon lenses, Kodak has an appealing device for you. One feature stood out in particular:
"Images can be saved as DCR raw files, normal JPEG files or ERI-JPEG files. The ERI-JPEG files serve as another form of picture protection for photographers, especially in situations where re-shooting is inconvenient. They provide two stops of exposure latitude and extended color space within a JPEG workflow - a benefit no competitor offers."
Two extra stops of exposure might rescue those rare shots that you didn't have time to set up properly. The camera also has CF and SD/MMC slots, another future-proof benefit. Nice camera Kodak!