Jake Ludington says: "While the debate rages on over what is acceptable to do with content still under copyright, plenty of good content finds itself in the public domain on a regular basis. One of the greatest horror movies of all time, Night of the Living Dead is one such public domain offering.
Archive.org, a non-profit dedicated to disseminating content, makes the 1968 classic horror flick available for download in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4 formats, in addition to providing a QuickTime stream. This is exactly the sort of content Bit Torrent users should be sharing."
I'm in the midst of downloading the 3.84 GB MPEG2 version of this film, which I plan on converting to a WMV9 format and putting on my Pocket PC for viewing on a plane trip I'm taking in early April. I think providing a service like this is fantastic, although I'd shudder to see their bandwidth bill. 8O