"HP recently upgraded its Pavilion zd7000 widescreen notebook, with an improved graphics card, additional video memory and new bundled software. The zd7000 series includes a 17-inch BrightView display, a wide viewing angle and 16:10 aspect ratio, as well as support for WSXGA+ resolution. The notebook has 2M bytes of Level 3 cache, and a 100G-byte hard drive, HP says. The new model now includes Sonic Record Now software, an NVIDIA GeForce FX Go 5700 graphics card with an 8x accelerated graphics port. The new model also includes options for 64M bytes of 128M bytes of video memory, and also includes updated HP Image Zone Plus software."

Yummy! :) I can totally see myself making this my multimedia workstation. One can certainly game on this machine and the HDD, the cache and the large screen would make it ideal for watching movies and/or editing videos or music. Lots more information available on the HP site