Thursday, April 15, 2004
Iomega Debuts 35GB Backup Drive
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 AM

The Rev has a capacity of 35GB. The 90GB can be achieved, like in all backup solutions by doing compressed backup. On the other hand, if you are using this drive to back up your mp3s, oggs, etc, then the commpression backup will not get you any space benefit because the files are already compressed. One of the interesting things that this article points out is that hard drives are typically sealed so that dust particles don't get in and interfere with the drive platters and/or the drive head. Given that the drives themselves are hot-swappable here, like cartridges, they cannot be sealed and therefore they employ an interesting technique to keep the unit dust free on the inside.
From previous threads here on DMT, most people appear to back up their data by burning CDs, but this could be a good solution for rapidly changing data. Any thoughts?