"We really liked the results from
v1.x of PictureCode's Noise Ninja noise reduction application for scanned and digital camera images, but despaired the lack of a Mac version while we also hoped it could be made somewhat simpler to use. Version 2.0 of the software, which is nearing release, addresses these two concerns while improving the program in several other areas as well. After working with a not-quite-finished copy of v2.0 of Noise Ninja over the last week, our verdict is in: Wow! Not only is the Mac (OS X only) version coming together really well, it's rocket-fast on a dual-processor G5 Mac..."

posted on Noise Ninja last month and pointed out this this would be a useful tool that would help clean up those pesky noise problems with images. Rob Galbraith has written a review of Noise Ninja and gives a list of all the improvements and new features. Definitely worth a read.