Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Big DV Camera Batteries Mean Less Event Stress: The Canon BP-945 Battery
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 10:00 AM

Much to my delight, it performed amazingly well! I shot 100 minutes of footage, and I only used up about 20% of the battery. This is even better than the Canon estimate of 200 minutes total battery life. It was mostly wide-angle stage shots with little to no zooming and no LCD screen, which means less power being used. When I needed to change tapes, it was a quick six-second process, and not having to worry about the battery was a big relief.
There's one other additional benefit of having this big 4500 mAh battery that I hadn't considered until now - after this 100 minutes of shooting, I still had enough battery life left to transfer the entire footage over Firewire, meaning it saved me having to set up the external power supply. The less cables the better!
If you're interested in picking up a BP-945 for your Canon MiniDV camera, has them for $119.99. [Affiliate]