Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Batch Image Processing with AutoImager
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 AM

AutoImager supports over 70 different graphic image formats, including AFP, ANI, AWD, BMP, CAL, CGM, CLP, CMP, CMX, CUR, CUT, DGN, DIB, DRW, DWF, DWG, DXF, DWG, EMF, EPS, EXIF, FAX, FLI, FLC, FPX, GBR, GEM, GIF, ICA, ICO, IFF, IMG, ITG, J2K, JBIG, JIF, JPEG, JTF, LBM, MAC, MDA, MPG, MSP, PBM, PCD, PCT, PCX, PDF, PGM, PNM, PPM, PSD, PLT, PLT2, PBM, PCL, PDF, PNG, PTK, RAS, SCT, SGI, SHP, SMP, SUN, SVG, TIFF, TGA, XBM, XPM, XWD, WBMP, WFX, WMF, WPG, and more!"
If you've got scads of one image type that need to be converted to another image type, this looks like a killer tool to do it - it allows you to apply filters in batch mode, so if you need to adjust the contrast and do a slight gaussian blur on 500 images, this tool would come in very handy.