Tuesday, May 4, 2004
VJPEG - Fast, Free JPEG Viewer With an Interesting Twist
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 07:00 AM

This is a sweet little app. When I want to open a JPEG file, that's all I want to do - just look at it. So many viewers have "evolved" (I use that term sarcastically) into adding more features that we really need. Heck, if the built-in Windows XP viewer went border to border full-screen, it would be enough for most people. Myself, I'm sold on ACDSEE, but if you're just looking for a fast, free JPEG/GIF/BMP viewer, this is worth checking out.
The rest of the site is interesting as well, especially if you're a developer - lots of great tips. I originally found a link to this site in the Picasa forums, and based on what I read about his approach to developing, he's a developer who works on Picasa. I found his analysis of Windows XP to be quite interesting as well. I haven't spent this much time on a developer's site since visiting AnaogX. :D