Sunday, May 23, 2004
SageTV 2.0 DVR
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "NEWS" @ 02:30 PM

"SageTV 2.0 offers the user a full screen total HTPC solution that will only get better in time when the private testers unleash the power of all their widgets upon everyone else. Items like weather are already a reality in the private testing and will be for everyone else in very short order. However, this review isn't about the upcoming release, it's about what was just released as a package. SageTV 2.0 out of the box by default is by far and away the most complete package option on the market at the current moment. The rest of the commercial products have a little catching up to do in order to match even the default quality of SageTV 2.0 and the benchmark has now been set. Frey Tech is so sure that you'll love it, they are offering a 15 day non-crippled trial of the software. To download it, visit their site:"
With features like Timeshift Television, live TV pausing and instant replay (with commercial skipping), intelligent recording and scheduling, a full featured programming guide, multiple tuner support, searching capabilities, full screen and 16:9 ratio TV ... (ok, so the list goes on for a while so I am going to stop here), this seems like a fantastic product. I recommend reading the review, quite well done.