Monday, June 7, 2004
"How AirTunes Works"
Posted by James Fee in "ARTICLE" @ 06:00 PM
When you select an AirPort Express device in the new pop-up menu at the bottom of the iTunes 4.6 interface, that device essentially replaces your Mac's speakers as the audio-output source for whatever you do in iTunes. At that point you can do anything you'd normally do in iTunes -- play music from your Library, from someone else's library, or from your iPod; play an Internet radio stream; even play an audiobook. The sound won't come out of your Mac -- it'll come out of the speakers attached to the AirPort Express."

An interesting little article on how AirTunes works. What interested me was, "AirPort Express supports Apple's Lossless Compression technology -- and everything that your iTunes streams across the network to Airport Express is compressed using that technology". Looks like that is where AAC Lossless came into play. 8)