Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Apple Introduces New PowerMac G5 Systems
Posted by Kent Pribbernow in "HARDWARE" @ 08:00 AM
However, I am somewhat troubled by the new price scheme. Is Apple pricing its desktops for the zealot market? PowerMac's keep increasing in price with every product refresh. Prior to this release you could purchase a G5 starting at $1,799. Before that, a G4 system cost under $1,499. Now you have to drop down two grand to walk away with one these computers. Why are prices constantly going up? Apple is the only vendor in the PC industry that doesn't lower prices to stay competitive. No wonder Mac desktop sales are in decline.
The same situation is happening with the iMac line as well, with an entry level model starting at $1,300...but the next step up from that unit is an $1,800 machine? What happened to the $1,400-1,500 price bracket? It seems Apple is using the dependancy Mac users have on their products to inflate revenues, which is perfectly sound business the short term...but could have potentially devastating long term effects as businesses that use PowerMac systems may eventually be foreced to move over to the PC side in order to save money in hardware costs.
Time for Apple to become aggressive with its product pricing. Macintosh marketshare is continuing to decline, and if we don't start seeing some real growth, the Mac platform will fade into irrelevance.