Wednesday, June 9, 2004
DirecTV Sells it's Stake in TiVo
Posted by James Fee in "NEWS" @ 10:00 AM

Of course this came the same day that TiVo announces that they will allow internet movies and music to be downloaded to video recorders. Stories about TiVo's death are just about as popular as those about Apple's, and I think this really won't affect them in any way long term. Why does DirecTV need to own part of TiVo? Also since DirecTV has been shedding other nonessential parts of the company, why hold on to TiVo? Their licensing agreement will still continue for at least a couple years. What this does is free TiVo up to work with cable companies since DirecTV had a board seat and I'm sure didn't want TiVo signing with Time-Warner Cable or Cox.