Sunday, June 13, 2004
Seagate's 5GB Microdrive
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "NEWS" @ 08:08 AM
"Seagate has announced it is to produce a 5 GB HDD in the CF Type II form factor, although they can't use the name 'Microdrive' that is essentially what this device is. Details at this point are a little thin on the ground, the metal cased device will be available in 2.5 GB and 5 GB capacities, it has a rotational speed of 3600 RPM and features 'RunOn' technology which appears to be a buffering system which avoids data loss if the unit is knocked or vibrated in use."

There appears to be no word on cost or release date but if this unit is at all affordable by consumers (for cameras and/or PDAs, etc.), I think it would be easier to get two of these than the 12GB super-expensive CF card. ;-)