"In the field the main difference using a film or a digital camera is the LCD on the back of the digital camera giving you the ability to evaluate an image right after exposure ... The right exposure is a key to taking quality images. This did not change from film to digital. In some way overexposure even shows more problematic in digital as the sensors tends to clip data above a certain threshold. This means: never overexpose your photos. In this case, the highlights may be lost and recovery is not possible (some techniques to estimate lost highlight details exist though). Here is help which only the digital cameras can provide: The cameras provide a way to view the result of the last photograph taken and show a histogram of the grayscale values from 0 (black) to 255(white)."
Little emphasis has typically been shown during reviews of most digital cameras, or articles on post processing of images even though it can technically a very basic way of analyzing the exposure and colors in an image. This is why I find this article so interesting. It breaks down the concept of histograms as well as how it relates to camera exposure and the different channels of color in your shots. Definitely worth reading.