Friday, July 16, 2004
You Say Goodbye And I Say Hello...Hello...Hello!
Posted by Gary Sheynkman in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 AM

Product Category: Photo sharing application
Manufacturer: Picasa, Inc
Where to Buy: Download at
Price: $0 USD
System Requirements: Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP, 300MHz processor, 64 MB of RAM, 50 MB free disk space, Internet Explorer 5.0
- Intuitive interace;
- Tons of features;
- It’s free!
- We are replacing family time by the fireplace with this?
As families grow and find better places to live and prosper, one often finds him or herself separating from family and friends. They could be on the other side of town, another state, a bordering country, or even a whole ocean away from you. Long distance phone calls and costly family get-togethers are great, but what of our dear friend, The Internet? VOIP is not yet developed although applications such as Skype are taking the initiative. Video feeds are problematic due to unstable speeds even with the fastest connections. Chat clients are the next step. As entertaining as they are though, chat clients don’t give you memories. Sharing photographs through AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger is a pain at best. These applications are chat clients first, everything else second. The makers of Picasa have a solution though. Hello is a photo sharing client that lets you share photographs along with chatting about the latest family gossip.
Read on for the full review!