"It is a bitter memory for Cameron Smith. He was 25 and newly married. While his wife worked one Saturday, he bought himself an $800 stereo with a credit card, set it up, and spent a blissful afternoon on the futon couch, listening to REM and the Grateful Dead. But a thought occurred to him while driving that evening to pick up his wife: how to explain the stereo? "We came in, and I said, 'Look what I bought, honey!' She took one look at me and said, 'That can go back, right?' Maybe it was more like, 'That can go back.' " The stereo went back. "I learned my lesson," said Smith, a manager at LNS Communications in Cambridge who will be married 10 years in August."I thought this was a particularly appropriate topic given the topic of this site. Give the article a read, compare it to your own life, then confess here. :lol: