Tuesday, July 20, 2004
High Speed CF Cards
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "NEWS" @ 01:00 PM

Yet another reason for high speed CF cards, and this is aside from letting you show off, ;-) is that recovery time on digital cameras reduced dramatically - becuase as cameras get more and more megapixels, more data needs to be recorded to the flash memory in the same span of time and you will find that your camera spends more and more time writing to the buffer/CF card. These high capacity/high speed CF memory cards, intended for use in digital cameras, have a transfer rate of 45x (6.75MB/sec).
There are five models that will be available - 128MB (6300 yen/$57), 256MB (11500 yen/$105), 512MB (23940 yen/$$220), 1GB (49140 yen/$450), and 2GB (98490 yen/$895). They will be CF Type1 cards and should be available now.