Fujitsu's latest desktop scanner promises to make it fast and easy to turn paper documents into digital ones. The scanner sports a smaller footprint (284x146x150mm, 2.7kg), improved scanning speed of up to 15 documents per minute (automatically rotates pages to correct orientation) and better scan resolutions up to 600ppi compared to its predecessor, the SnapScan!. You can now also scan to editable Word and Excel formats instead of just PDF. The scanner also comes with a full version of Adobe's excellent Acrobat 6.0 Standard software for saving documents in PDF format - the worldwide, de facto standard for document distribution - and doubles as a business-card reader. Unfortunately, no Twain or WIA driver means you can't start a scan from most Windows programs and there's no scan to fax option."

I was surprised to see this because at least in North America I have never heard of Fujitsu's scanners. No TWAIN support is a deal killer for me, I can't imagine not scanning directly into programs. But as a way to get paper documents into Acrobat (including a full version of Acrobat is a great idea) this might be just the ticket.