"So here's another surprise from Archos (the big one will be the AV500): the Gmini400. Same size as an iPOD, 160gr, 2.2" colour LCD, battery that will last for 10h in music playback and 5h in video playback mode, 20Gb HDD (and possibly 60Gb later), price of 300-400 Euros...This Gmini400 has the same video functionalities as the AV400 (except for the recording probably), so Mpeg4 Simple Profile with DVD resolution and MP3 sound. It has TV Output. So this device will attack the Nintendo Ds and the Sony PSP, as it also has Mophun games capabilities."
This new Gmini 400 comes with a 2.2" screen and is capable of playing videos as well as viewing JPEG files. It comes with an FM transmitter and has the ability of recording the FM signal, via its remote control radio operator. English translation
available here, which lists most all of its features.