With USB memory keys coming down in price on an almost daily basis and capacities increasing equally as fast, one would hope that the old floppy drive will die gracefully soon. The SanDisk Cruzer micro is one of many USB memory keys and although it looks quite stylish, finished in see through plastic and metal, this alone is not a reason to buy it. However, as the name implies, it is very small, in fact it is the smallest USB memory key we have seen to date measuring a mere 51 x 19 x 6mm (L x W x H). Yes, there are smaller devices out there, but they don’t look quite as cool as the Cruzer micro, nor do they, as far as I know, have a built in blue light that illuminates the rear of the Cruzer micro. It looks even cooler if you put the protective cap on the back, as this enhances the blue light further. "

I've read the review two times just to make sure I'm not missing anything. Can someone please explain to me why you'd want something like this over the
Creative Muvo NX? As a USB memory stick, it doesn't have much value, nor as a MP3 player is it slick. I guess I'm just at a loss for its purpose. :?: