"If you've ever edited digital photos, you can appreciate the value of seeing details up close, so that you can fine-tune your photos quickly and easily. Wouldn't it be great to remove imperfections from your photos without the squinting and guesswork? Well, now you can zoom in effortlessly, thanks to the new Zoom Slider. Featured on some of the latest Microsoft® keyboards, the Zoom Slider makes it a cinch to zoom in for a closer look at pictures, text, and Web pages. It's as intuitive as adjusting the lighting in a room by using a dimmer—just slide a lever on the keyboard to zoom in and zoom out, without ever taking your hand off the keyboard."
This is an interesting idea, but I question the need for a dedicated keyboard button when most of us have scroll wheels on our mouse hardware already. It's all about the implementation in this case, so we'll see how Microsoft does.