Friday, October 15, 2004
Save $300 on Dell 23" LCD TV
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 10:00 AM

My friend Chris Leckness over at AximSite just bought one of these Dell 23" LCD TVs, and he said he saved $300 off the list price with a coupon, so after a bit of digging I found the coupon. The LCD TV normally lists for $999 USD, but it's only $699 USD after the coupon.
First, click on this link (it's an affiliate link, so you'll be supporting the site): W2300 23-inch LCD TV with 1-year Advanced Exchange Service
Then use the coupon below:
"Save $300 on the Dell W2300 23" LCD TV (before tax and shipping) purchased online from the Electronics and Accessories site. May not be combinable with dollars off, percentage off and select other promotions. Coupon code expires after first 500 uses.
Enter coupon code at checkout to receive this offer.
Coupon code expires after first 500 uses. Prices, availability and terms of offer may change without notice. Taxes and shipping charges are extra, vary and are not subject to discount. May be combined with other select offers or discounts. Valid for new U.S. online purchases through the Dell Home Systems Electronic and Accesories site only. Offer does not apply to and is not available with systems or items purchased through the online systems configurator, refurbished items or spare parts. Purchase limit of 10 same items per order, but any applicable discounts apply to only the first 5 same items per order. Dell cannot be responsible for errors in typography or photography. Limit 1 per customer, 1 use per coupon."
If you're interested in something smaller, here's a coupon code for $250 USD off the 17" LCD TV: W8074V7FDNR292. Same limitations as above, 1500 total uses, blah blah.
UPDATE: Ok, Dell's coupon system is insanely lame. I get sent emails telling me about coupons that Dell is offering, so when they tell me it's a coupno for $300 off, I assume that it will really take $300 off the price, but it looks like it's only taking $100 off the price because the monitor is already "on sale". :roll: Sorry about that guys, I'll skip the coupons from now on.