"I was reading Jim Louderback’s review of the Hughes DirecTV DVR on ExtremeTech and got to thinking… You’ve got to be crazy to spend upwards of $1000 for a DVR. I know the Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000HD system I have is far from perfect, but it’s integrated with my cable service and the box is free! I know I’ve ranted previously about the marketing mistakes made my TiVo, but now it’s really coming to a rapid end. TiVo2Go is now coming sure, so users will be able to watch pre-recorded programming on the go via a PC key system, but the damn things are limited in what they can really do for all that cash. Even if you have a DVD based system, it seems you can only playback the recordings on the same system. Soon enough TiVo will automatically upgrade your box so that you can only save an on-demand program for a limited time."
The article is right in that soon it won't matter if you've paid for the box, because none of us will be able to digitally archive in full resolution without a crack and some legal scrapes. Interesting article.