"Nero 6 Reloaded is the most complete all-in-one digital media solution available today. The suite includes all of the features most users demand from an authoring package - as well as a whole lot more you'll likely never use - including tools to rip audio CDs to various formats, record LPs and tapes to CDs, make a compilation of all your favourite music by mixing titles in various formats, as well as create backups, DVD-Movies and share files over a network. Its features are quite extensive, especially considering its aggressive pricing, but it's not a unified or elegant solution - utilities open in new, unfamiliar windows and have different menu structures and wizards. If you're prepared to wade through the software's menus and experiment with all of its options, Nero 6 Reloaded is outstanding value for money. If you only need to complete a few tasks daily, such as author CD/DVDs and create slideshows, Roxio's Creator 7 is much more approachable."
I've been using Nero for a while, but this review makes me wonder if I want to upgrade. I've historically tried to avoid Roxio products because of frustrating experiences with earlier versions. Any suggestions for comprehensive CD/DVD burning packages?