"Coming soon to the standalone TiVo OS: when you hit fast forward to skip past commercials, small banner ads will show up on your screen. You'll be able to click them to get more info, see an informercial, or send your home address details to get more info about a product mailed to you. I think this is a dark day for TiVo, and this new feature is aimed at pleasing TV Networks and advertisers. I doubt a single customer would ever ask for this kind of feature, and that it happens while you skip commercials just drives the point home. TiVo is no longer TV your way, it's TV their way."
Apparently the LA Times is
reporting on it. This is awful, I did not realize that TiVo was so short of cash that they are resorting to banner ads. Apparently, a TiVo employee says it'll be tasteful and unobtrusive, but c'mon people, do you really think banner ads can be tasteful and unobtrusive?