"Beginning immediately, all Linspire versions in all languages will include Windows Media support -- users will now have in-line playback of audio and video on popular sites like FoxNews.com and Movies.com, all with codecs legally licensed and fully integrated for the Linspire operating system. With this distribution, Linspire is the first Linux distributor in the world to fully support Windows Media 8 and 9 audio and video file formats. "Fully supporting Windows Media files means Linspire users have instant gratification when they want to watch a video embedded in a Web site or hear a clip of a hot new song," said Michael Robertson, CEO of Linspire, Inc. "This new capability gives desktop Linux functionality critical to satisfying mainstream consumers."
It's a start, but this doesn't include the DRM parts of Windows Media. Seems like Microsoft, much like Apple, is only interested in keeping the DRM to themselves. :roll: Just as Apple should allow Fairplay on Windows and Linux, Microsoft should allow Janus on Mac OS and Linux.