Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Hello From Freezing Germany!
Posted by Andy Manea in "UPDATE" @ 10:00 AM

Hi folks! I am a new Editor-in-Training and would like to take the chance to introduce myself to you. My user name on this site was Xendula so far, and still is on PPCT, but my “real” name is Andy Manea – and, before you start to wonder about my avatar - I am not a man and Andy is just short for my actual name which, of course, I will not mention here, as I obviously don’t like it too much.
Half of the time I live close to Frankfurt - Germany and the other half in Providence – Rhode Island.
I have a M.A. in language teaching, am currently teaching German to Americans - soon also through online classes, and finally decided to start my Ph.D. but don’t have a clear topic in mind yet.
My love for electronic “toys” started with my first digital camera and Pocket PC many years ago, and as I travel so much I am specifically interested in small, portable gadgets but also in ways to productively implement the use of these devices in a classroom environment.
I hope to bring a European perspective into these forums, make more information available through my foreign language knowledge and, in general, be able to make a valuable contribution to a site I love so much. :x-mas: