"Home cinema is one of my passions, with a DVD collection that barely fits in my living room. Just like any home cinema enthusiast, I have a surround sound system to complement the large widescreen TV and DVD player. I’m often accused of being a bit of a purist when it comes to surround sound, and although I’ve spent nowhere near the amount of money on my setup as some of my friends, I have a deep loathing for gimmicks like “pseudo surround” or worse still surround sound headphones. It was therefore with some trepidation that I unboxed the HCT Portable Home Theater (that’s the name of the product, before anyone accuses me of not being able to spell theatre) – a product that promised to produce surround sound through a set of headphones."
We had reported on these headphones several months ago. There appears to be a nice review on the subject, for those of you interested. It concludes that the surround sound effects achieved are impressive and give and alternative to enthusiasts who don’t have the space or funds for a full blown multi-speaker system.