Friday, January 28, 2005
DesignTechnica Reviews the Creative Labs Zen Micro 5GB
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 05:00 PM

DesignTechnica gave the Zen Micro a rather poor 6/10 rating - I have to admit that I like it more than that. I never use the headphones that come with a device, so I can't comment on how uncomfortable they are after prolonged use. I did try them out and they sounded surprisingly good, but I quickly switched over to my in-ear Sony headphones. As for the locking up, unfortunately I experienced that as well - but because I had a beta ROM, I was convinced that was the reason it was locking up. Since upgrading to the new PlaysForSure ROM a few weeks ago, I haven't had it lock up on me from my point of view, the Zen Micro is still a great player. Knocking a device because of headphones seems a bit silly to me - but if it's locking up for them, and they've tried two devices, I can understand the rating. :?