This page describes a project to create a CompactFlash / IDE Interface card for Apple II computers (][+, //e, //e enh or //gs). The card is ProDOS 8 and GS/OS compatible. With an additional driver, GS/OS user get additional partitions and speed. I did the original wire-wrap prototype over the span of several months. This project is very much a case of old technology (the Apple II computer) meets new (CompactFlash cards and Altera CPLDs). My reasoning for this project is described in detail in the Background section, but suffice it to say, I wanted to be able to pull out my old Apple II and use it from time to time to reminisce about the early days of personal computers. I wanted a reliable way to store my Apple II programs and data files for many years to come."
Looking for a way to use your CompactFlash cards with that Apple ][ rusting away in your basement? Well now you can for just over $100. Even if you aren't interested it is a good read if you ever owned an Apple ][ and want to bring back all those great memories. :P