"Hot deal at CompUSA: The RocBox player from Roc Digital is $ 150 while supplies last. This is a fairly basic 20-gig DAP that's about the same size as an iPod, but the design is reversed, with the chromey-side up front. It looks pretty kewl to us (we like shiney-things) but as for how well it actually works... well, we have no idea. There's been few (if any) reviews, and we've heard nothing about it otherwise. We couldn't even find these guys at CES - and we looked. We can only guess that they havn't been selling too well with CompUSA looking to clear them out at nearly half-price."
Looking for a bigger digital audio player, but don't want to spend much money on one? Well here you go. I don't know much about it, but it is a very low price.