"For some strange reason, people start feeling awfully strongly about how other people keep their sensors clean. This is probably due to the unfortunate cowardice of most digital SLR manufacturers, Olympus with its ultrasonic cleaning being the notable exception. They simply tell us never to use anything stronger than a puff of air on the sensor, or risk voiding our warranty, destroying our camera, and bringing various kinds of curses upon ourselves and our progeny for at least seven generations. As a result, enterprising photographers and some businesses have stepped up to the plate. There are at least two well-attested sensor-cleaning methods that are known to work on dust that simply refuses to go away by blowing at it. One is the so-called "Copper Hill method" (and variants). The other is the "Sensor Brush" -- a commercial product by a Canadian company called VisibleDust." 
I'm usually not too interested in using cheaper alternatives to "recommended" cleaning tools, but this article has made me rethink that stance.