"Announcing! Z-Cyber's launch of the new and exciting, Zling Photo-Wallet! The much anticipated Zling Photo-Wallet is a palm-sized, self-powered, portable storage device, designed to provide the digital camera user with a means to unload, upload, or copy all the pictures/video/MP3s and other data, stored on camera memory cards...without need of a computer, or power for that matter. Once uploaded to the Zling Photo-Wallet, the memory card can be erased and is once again ready for use in the camera. Photos and other data stored in the Zling Photo-Wallet can be uploaded to a computer at a more convenient time. The Zling Photo-Wallet has a built-in 1 inch rugged Hard Drive, which comes in three size configurations: 1GB, 2GB and 5GB."
The USB 2.0 device has no screen, and progress of file transfer is indicated by a row of LEDs. However, it does have slots for both SD and CF cards. The biggest version is only 5GB — though at $149, it seems like the best price around for that sized microdrive. It sounds like a great idea for some cheap portable and easy to use backup space.