"Recent comments by Sony executives raised consumer hopes of a truce in the next-generation optical video disc battle between Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD. But closer questioning of companies on both sides points to no significant change in their positions, and the continued likelihood that consumers will be forced choose between two competing formats...But late last week, a Sony spokesman ruled out any compromise over Blu-ray Disc. The only talks that Sony would entertain were those of the HD-DVD supporters dropping their format and supporting Blu-ray Disc, said Taro Takamine, a Sony spokesman in Tokyo."<sigh> Figures. :roll: I should have known that Sony would never work with a competing format and this was just a smokescreen. I can't believe the mess this is going to make, and the fact that the movie studios don't realize what a train wreck it's going to be. I don't see a technological way out of this one... :?