"Movies from your scanner? Say what? I have to admit this one sounded a little strange the first time I heard about it. Once I saw what the program did though, a host of applications leapt to mind. - And there's a definite, eye-catching "cool factor" when you see the output. So what is it? It's Imagematics Still Motion Creator (ISMC), a program that creates animated movies from any digital still image. If you've ever seen one of Ken Burns' documentaries, in which the camera pans across old photographs, you've seen the effect. You start with standard digital photos in any format, and end with "Flash" animated .swf files or standard AVI-format video files."
Presenting photos with dynamic motion is a fantastic way to share them with others - motion, especially when combined with music, can often convey emotion in a way that a still slide show cannot. One of my favourite tools for this purpose is Photo Story, but this review covers a tool that will output as Flash as well as video files. Looks powerful!