"In my opinion, Nikon D2X heralds the end of 35 mm film for virtually all shooting assignments for a Nikon user. You get an image quality unsurpassed by today's or even tomorrow's film-based technology for the venerable 24 x 36 mm format. This is the first DSLR used by me which can rendered wide sweeps of landscape with tangible and breathtaking clarity of detail. However, any camera system descending from 35 mm stock inherits a limit to the detail which can be captured for landscape work, because of the relatively short focal lengths typically deployed with these cameras. Short focal lengths translate into low magnification and implies details also will be rendered small. So landscape work is still a domain in which larger format cameras prevail by virtue of their bigger capturing areas and the accompanying longer focal lengths. This is not something particular to Nikon DSLR, it applies to other makers' offerings as well. That being said, D2X is certainly capable of bringing forth whatever detail the currently mounted lens can deliver."
I'd love to see a review that compares the D2X and the F6 (or course you'd need a darn good scanner to go with the F6) to see if the D2X really is a "35mm killer".