"The radioSHARK itself is a combination of glassy iPod-esque white and reflective chrome. It gets its name from the shark fin shape of the hardware. Three increasingly large semicircles adorn the sides and indicate the status of the recording software. During regular operation and while simply plugged in, the arcs emit a soft blue glow. When recording, they are red. The radioSHARK is powered over the USB bus, so no external power supplies are needed. In addition, there is an antenna port on the back that allows for better reception through an optional external antenna. The thin white USB cord measures four feet, so the radioSHARK can be placed far away from interference-emitting computer components."
The radioSHARK is a PC-based radio with TiVo-like time shifting of live radio, scheduled recording, and on-the-fly recording. It costs $69.95, which seems quite reasonable for the product. Seems like a nice addon for iPod owners.