Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Hey everyone, Jeremy Charette here!
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "UPDATE" @ 05:00 PM

One of my first memories is that of my father and a friend sitting in our basement, hunched over one of the very first Compaq luggable computers, weighing a whopping 28 pounds, with a tiny CGA monitor. (Four colors! Woo hoo!) They blew several months worth of late nights trying to hack Sun Tzu’s Art of War in the DOS command line. So began the influence of technology on my life.
I was born on the cusp of the computer revolution, and as I’ve grown up, I’ve had the chance to see technology change the world around me in ways I never imagined. I feel incredibly fortunate to have lived through a major societal evolution, and I’ve immersed myself in it since I was old enough to push keys on a keyboard. From the first video game systems, to the first portable computers, to the first handheld PCs (yes, I had an HP95LX!); I’ve experienced it all.
Today I’m an engineer involved in manufacturing. I just finished up a graduate degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and after nine years of “higher education”, I have the unenviable task of finding a real job! I recently moved to Brooklyn, NY; after having lived in the Rochester, NY area since birth. I'm getting married in May of 2006, and I'm having a great time discovering a new city and a new life!
I happened upon Pocket PC Thoughts over four years ago when I got my first Pocket PC, a Casio EM-500; and I’ve dropped into the forums over there from time to time to join in the discussion (you might know me as Newsboy in the other Thoughts Media forums). A few months ago I decided to step off the sidelines and into the action, and talked to Jason Dunn about how I might be able to help out.
I love all things technology related. In the past few years I’ve gotten hooked on Digital Media of all kinds. When not working (or looking for it :wink:), you’ll find me sitting on the floor in my living room, controller in hand, playing Xbox on my HDTV in 5.1 Surround Sound. About the only thing that tears me away (besides my beautiful fiancé!) is Analog Media. Books! Right now I’m reading Opening the XBOX by Dean Takahashi.
I’m always researching audio & video technology, looking for new ways to improve my gaming and home theater experience. Hopefully I can share some of my discoveries with the rest of you. Feel free to send me a private message or email; and as always, send us news or interesting stories via our news submission form.