It took me a few hours, but I finally got all 30 winners picked. Whew! The following people won an iVod Mini case in Caterina Black with a belt clip:
jmulder, Jaxbulls, jordy311, shahed_ameer, Cougar, jimw, eqbeastlord, texasme, StangStang67, Max Your Macs, chrism_877, Morvran, razr47, malakai1911, and
stevek. And the following people won an iVod Mini case in Caterina White:
broken spoke, btvsrocks, nessim, harrisonx, autoy, mikevickrocks, nin94, lelseman, MotoTrojan, danlim, Skitals, kenjancef, Frog23t, migz, and
kpjackson. The winners have all been contacted via private message, so if you're one of the winners, check your
Inbox for instructions on claiming your prize.

Big congratulations to all the winners - it was great seeing so many first-time posters. I hope you'll stick around and contribute to our community. ;-) And for all you who didn't win, if you'd still like to order a Vaja case,
go right ahead. [Affiliate]