Friday, August 12, 2005
iTunes Support Nightmares
Posted by Kent Pribbernow in "NEWS" @ 12:00 PM

Slate has posted some interesting, and rather humorous iTunes support rants. I really feel sorry for some of these folks, and I certainly sympathize. I'm having a slightly similar problem myself with iTunes Podcast directory. I submitted a new podcast I setup for a client to be listed in Apple's directory, which was supposed to be located under the category of News. As expected it appeared there...for all of two days, then suddenly disappeared. And although the podcast is still actually in the system (you can find it by doing a search) it's now labeled under a non-existant category named Podcast instead of being correctly marked under News. So the bottom line is that nobody else besides me, and the client, knows it's there, and I can't find any support email or phone number to report the problem too. Thanks Apple! :roll: