"This Maxtor drive offers an unformatted capacity of 300GB which works out at 279GB under NTFS with default allocation sizes. This should be large enough for most single PCs though if it’s not Seagate offers a humongous 400GB drive. The drive has decent performance credentials with a rotational speed of 7,200rpm, 16MB of cache and an average seek time of around 9ms. In terms of design and features the drive follows on from previous Maxtor OneTouch external drives but with one key extra; namely support for FireWire 800. Offering a theoretical 800Mbps this is intended to put the FireWire standard back on top of the performance tree to overtake the 480Mbps delivered by USB 2.0. This equates to 100MB/s though the official specs only claim a sustained transfer rate of 64MB/s due due to overhead."
This is wickedly cool. Oh, that transfer speed looks amazing and at just over $300 (about $1 = 1GB), I think it is a steal. :)