"Toshiba said Thursday it was considering pushing back the launch of its next-generation HD-DVD players until 2006 - losing its first-mover advantage and the holiday season sales rush. HD-DVD was expected to get a head start on rival format Blu-ray, which Sony is set to debut early next year. The news follows an end to negotiations over a unified high-definition DVD format. Toshiba said it had ended the talks in order to begin work on meeting its self-imposed year-end deadline for shipping HD-DVD players. Now the company admits it is reconsidering its options. "We are now in talks with Hollywood studios and large-scale retailers to seek the most effective timing of the launch and best way to launch," a Toshiba spokesperson told Reuters."
All I have to say is this is just painful to watch. The longer they take at releasing anything is going to hurt the adoption rate. I'll wager that people won't care too much about either Blu-ray or HD-DVD and just skip this generation of media.