"Philips added two new players to its digital music lineup on Thursday, boasting more capacity, PlaysForSure compatibility and color screens to allow users to store and view JPEG photos. The GoGear HDD1630 and HDD6330 will have 6GB and 30GB capacities. For navigation, both feature backlit touchpads as well as Philips SuperScroll technology that allows a user to quickly navigate through their song collection. For photos, the players will feature similar navigation with the capability to view images one at a time, several as thumbnails, or view them in a slideshow that can be set to music. The new players will also include an FM tuner and voice recorder. Philips claims the batteries in the units will last anywhere from 15 to 18 hours, and can charge up to 70 percent of their capacities in just one hour."
The specs look great so we'll have to see how well Philips can market them against the iPod. With Christmas on its way, the time to strike is now before Apple blankets the market with their TV ads. Hey Philips, why not try some ads of your own?